"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Friday, 6 April 2012

FreeForm Crochet Capelet

March is finished, and so is the freeform crochet along that I was doing.

I had a ball and learned heaps! 

All of the bits came together and decided to be a caplet/shrug/ponchet thing 
(the 'et' just means they are little versions :-) )

I really like how it's ended up and I fully intend to wear it out in public lots as it gets cooler :-)


  1. Wow - that is STUNNING. Such a work of art and I love the name 'ponchet' it rolls off the tongue and sounds totally classy while also a little arty ;D. You have truly outdone yourself here Gill - LOVE it!!

    1. Thanks Mel :-)
      I think I'm a freeform crochet convert.... a bit different from the structure of the granny squares

  2. i love it. if you can do one with blue as the main colour, not green, i would totally buy it :)

    1. Funny. I just got all my blues together yesterday arvo.. I'll let you know if it could work :-)

  3. That is fantastic - very creative. Free form knitting with a smattering of crochet is on my "must-do" list, but I haven't actually tried it yet! You make me really want to though ;-)

    1. Go for it! I'm totally sold on freeform now. It took a little while to 'let go' then it was great fun :-D

  4. I love it! So random in design it is just gorgeous :)


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