"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Motifs and Meditation

You may already know that to counter my tendency towards impatience whilst sitting in traffic (and man has it been bad the past couple of weeks!) I crochet.  And so over the past 3 weeks my 'driving' time has resulted in 42 motifs which I've put together to make an afghan/blanket, I quite like the result, I'm calling it Flower Garden

I have mentioned before that my sister is an Ayurvedic practitioner and teacher.  Yesterday she encouraged me to go to a workshop with her to see a lady called Mother Maya.  And so yesterday morning saw me at a kind of commune in the North Shore of Auckland, in a room full of floor cushions with a load of people dressed like they should be in India, (picture the Beetles in their hippy stage with their guru and you wouldn't be too far off)

To say that I haven't had much success with my brief flirtation with meditation before might be a slight understatement (I tend to shuffle, jiggle, giggle, fall asleep or go deep into a fantasy world). And yet yesterday morning I not only meditated for 40 minutes, I enjoyed it and found it really peace-invoking (not sure if that's a real word!) Did the day change my life? Time will tell.  It certainly gave me another technique for inner harmony whilst in the traffic though :-)   


  1. I love those green colors in and around your grannies, really lovely.
    I find meditating quietly on the beach at sunset or sundown really makes me feel peaceful inside and puts me in a great frame of mind for the rest of the day.It's good to try different treatments and try new ways of thinking/meditating till you find the one that makes you feel great.
    I'm busy making quilted felt animal motive cell phone covers and having a lot of fun with it. My kids have just gotten Tracfone LG800G smart phones and I don't want their touch screens scratched as the phones cost me $50ea. (I'm amazed at the cheap phone time $6/mnth for 40 min per kid)
    What I like about making the felt pouches is that even the kids can make them if you show them how and you don't need a sewing machine. I just take 2 layers of felt with stuffing in between and sew them together using blanket stitch. The features and limbs of the owl, fox and penguin the kids can sew on themselves and it is a fun project they can do in the weekend. I'm amazed just how super cute felt animals are and they make great Xmas ornament gifts for your friends and family.

  2. I wish that didn't sound torturous but to me it would be! So impressed that you did it and felt the benefits :D

    I would love to see a vid of you crocheting one day Gill - 42 squares in 3 weeks of 'stuck in traffic' time is epic - you must be so fast!!


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