You may already know that to counter my tendency towards impatience whilst sitting in traffic (and man has it been bad the past couple of weeks!) I crochet. And so over the past 3 weeks my 'driving' time has resulted in 42 motifs which I've put together to make an afghan/blanket, I quite like the result, I'm calling it Flower Garden
I have mentioned before that my sister is an Ayurvedic practitioner and teacher. Yesterday she encouraged me to go to a workshop with her to see a lady called Mother Maya. And so yesterday morning saw me at a kind of commune in the North Shore of Auckland, in a room full of floor cushions with a load of people dressed like they should be in India, (picture the Beetles in their hippy stage with their guru and you wouldn't be too far off)
To say that I haven't had much success with my brief flirtation with meditation before might be a slight understatement (I tend to shuffle, jiggle, giggle, fall asleep or go deep into a fantasy world). And yet yesterday morning I not only meditated for 40 minutes, I enjoyed it and found it really peace-invoking (not sure if that's a real word!) Did the day change my life? Time will tell. It certainly gave me another technique for inner harmony whilst in the traffic though :-)