"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams
Thursday, 24 December 2009
2010 - it's going to be a good one!
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
A Mermaid and a Fairy
The market was incredibly busy, lots and lots of “isn’t that cute,” and “do you have a card” no sales though, seems to have been a trend with the other stall holders so I wasn’t too upset. I enjoyed chatting to everyone and met a fellow that used to live on a sheep station who used to spin wool and knit his own jumpers, he told me that lichen off a gate post will dye wool orange. I love learning new titbits like that
The barbecue is well and truly christened, we used it Sunday and Monday and plan on using it tonight too. It’s so much easier to cook outside when the weather is warming up. The cottage has a tin roof so when the sun has been shinning all day it gets incredibly hot inside.
I thought I might try my hand at writing a tutorial over the holidays. I’m off work until the 11th January so I’ll have time to write the steps and take progress photos. I just have to decide what it is I’d like to share….
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Felt like Etsy :-)
This is the shop www.JacBer.felt.co.nz I've taken some stuff from the shophandmade shop which wasn't doing well - I'd basically opened it, put some of our stuff in it and left it to itself, and after 4 months we were averaging about 2 views a month which was pretty crappy, so we'll see if we do better here. It's also were I can point New Zealand customers too without having to worry about exchange rates. I just have to wait for the first 5 listings to be approved, so hopefully that will be soon!
We're christening the new Barbecue tonight! We're having posh sausages, chicken drumsticks and vegetable kebabs
Last craft market of the year tomorrow and I'm predicting a total sell out!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Featuring an Etsy Blogger
Here I am just handling the one I’ve got lol!
What it does mean is that there is a plethora of fabulous items for me to choose from!
And they have free shipping worldwide until New Years Eve!
Fairy Mold
And they blog: http://calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com
Monday, 14 December 2009
Hypnotic Treasury

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

My passion was begging to wane.
I had hearts and views – hurray!
The resurgence has begun!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
A Kind of Kiwi Christmas
Moving to the summer Christmas of New Zealand from the freezing winter Christmas of north of England 25 years ago was quite a culture shock!
For the first couple of years my mam and dad tried to keep up with the English Christmas day tradition of a big roast turkey lunch with all of the trimmings. After finding that sweating through our lunches in the humidity and mid day heat wasn’t the nicest way to spend the day we started to do what most people do. Barbecue. So now we have pancakes, strawberries and bucks fizz for breakfast, and a late lunch sat outside in the shade eating salads, ham steaks and prawns from the bbq .
Also New Zealand tends to close shop, from December 24th to about January 11th a lot of businesses close and heaps of people take their summer holidays, the cities are quiet and the beach towns swell to 3x their usual size. We also have 2 public holidays for Christmas (the 25th and 26th December. The 26th is Boxing Day, which is an English tradition) and 2 for New Year (the 1st and the 2nd January)
So that’s a bit about our Kiwi Christmas. And talking of bbq’s ours is broken beyond repair and after a very successful couple of hours on our stall at my work we now have enough to go and buy a new one this weekend in preparation for the summer ahead - hurray!
Monday, 30 November 2009
Spare Time and Some Shopping
When I have some spare time or just want to hang out on the computer I like to do these 3 things in this order:
- Read the blogs on my bloglist and add comments - which is like a “Gill waz ‘ere” stamp
- Play addictive time consuming games on facebook and try and beat my friends (they are usually those ones with a 1 – 3 minute time limit so I have no idea where an hour goes!!)
- Stare in a trance at Time Machine 2 on www.etsy.com
I usually just have time for the first one on the list, however just the other day I skipped down to number 3 (bypassing addictive games) and did a bit of Christmas shopping. Which I can't show you in case any one I bought for is reading..... so here are a couple of other shops that I love
www.JeByJa.etsy.com has this fab mushroom made from an old record which I think is the coolest thing ever (and might have to be my next purchase!)
www.dzfantasy.etsy.com has fab fairies and mermaids (not this fairy head brooch though cos I bought it! I wear to work to brighten up my uniform and have gotten loads of compliments – big-ups to DZFantasy for that one!)
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Tie Skirt, B.O. & Walks
After work this evening we went for a walk at the beach and around Mount Maunganui. The walkway is wide enough for about 3 people abreast. It's a very popular spot for walkers and runners, the view is fabulous as you head from the harbour to the surf (or the other way around if you prefer, seems everyone has their own idea of the 'right' way). This evening we seemed to be overtaken by lots of runners, it is after all a great place to go for a run, no need to worry about being run over by cars or cyclists.
With so many runners passing by I got wondering. Are there runners who make sure they smell fresh before they run, or do the majority decide they'll shower afterwards? As runners passed by and I held my breath I decided that should I ever take up running out in the open I would definitely be the former, I'd be horrified to think that I had left a B.O. wake behind me :-)
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Creations Galore
Friday, 20 November 2009
Monday, 16 November 2009
And so with the onset of summer down under I thought I might make something summery for both my shop and the markets. A lovely lady at work was complaining about sarongs coming undone and having to fiddle with them, so the other day and I bought a wee bag of metal suspender clips from
I crocheted some pretty flowers and got the hot glue gun out (always a danger for me with my clumsy ways) I glued the flowers on to the clips with a button in the middle of the flower to finish it off. I thought I might try some fabric flowers as well. bluejulesews blog has a great tutorial, I’m not a good sewer, but she makes it look so easy! http://bluejulesews.blogspot.com/2009/11/tutorial-ii-fabric-flower.html The next thing is to try them out and see if they work!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Tauranga is a city, and to become a city in New Zealand means that 20,000 people or more live there. Which in comparison to many cities around the world we are pretty small. I usually give myself 20 minutes to get anywhere in town and 30 minutes when I think it might be busy. So I don’t have much sitting in traffic time.
On November 1st using cell phones in a car had become illegal. This has posed a wee problem for me, I’ve been used to using that 20 minutes or so to catch up with friends or check with Andrew what I might need to pick up on the way home.
We are a week into the new law and I’ve found that crochet is pretty hard to do whilst moving, however is not too bad if I get a red traffic light, I've also found that the CD’s I have popped in my stacker are okay for now and then and not quite entertaining enough for 20 minutes in a row. Last week I had an audio book in my CD stacker, I’m unsure if it was a good thing or not…. the actual story was great, I couldn’t really tell you what happened on the way to work though, and I also was late starting a couple of times because I wanted to catch the end of the chapter!
I did get to make this new addition to my ArtFire shop whilst at traffic lights over 3 days this week …..
What do you do to entertain yourself in the car if you’re the one driving and you’re not allowed to be on the phone??
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Shawls and Shores
We went down to the beach early on Saturday for a walk, it felt like the calm before the Christmas storm. Soon the bachs’ (holiday homes) will start to fill up and then the beach gets busier and busier.
The tempo changes, so many people on holiday gives it a real beachy vibe, it means it’s easy to relax by popping down to the beach for a walk or a drink on the way home from work.
We also popped to the hardware shop and I bought a piece of aluminum rod which we bent into a supersize hairpin (yep, I’m still excited about the hairpin lace!) And voila, I whipped up this summer shawl out of that cotton I bought the other day. I think it’ll be just the trick to keep the shoulders warm on those long summer evenings that are on their way
Friday, 6 November 2009
5 orders this week for stuff I make from lovely workmates
Tried newly re-opened local restaurant which was fab
The sun is shinning and is supposed to be like this all weekend so that means a trip on Audrey to the beach :-)
Have successfully remembered to do the etsyhookers promo thread before I go to bed
Made 4 chokers using the paperclip for the market stall
Purchased some lovely off-white cotton to make myself a summer shawl using a bigger version of the paperclip
It's Friday afternoon and I've finished work for 2 whole days
And to round it off, here are some highlights from a fellow etsyhooker www.PixieWorx.etsy.com; a fab brolly that would add interest to an outfit all year around, and a very fun ski hat :-)
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Paper Clip Lace Crochet

Friday, 30 October 2009
Technology is my friend
Technology is my friend
Technology is my friend
I chanted as I set up a Facebook fan page with the help of a cold glass of Riesling, and then I tried to link it to my blog.
Do I really need one? Well apparently so!
Just like the blog, the twitter, the etsy shop and the artfire shop, plus I need to
Forums and threads, chat rooms, join a team, do a challenge, do a giveaway.
Give out my card (after I’ve made one using some fancy pants computer application)
Wear my creations, go into local shops and show them my stuff, try and convince them to stock it and sell it.
Do the local craft market twice a month, and the other local craft market every Saturday.
Do the housework, the washing, the shopping and the cooking
Read all the forums and threads that tell me to do all this stuff
Go to work at 7.30 a.m., get home at 5.00 p.m. and start all over again
No wonder I love it!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Engaging writers block
Monday, 26 October 2009
Kooky Kiwis and a Guest
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Kiwi’s and Cupcakes
Kiwi's are flightless birds native to NZ and are one of our natural symbols, as a couple they are monogamous, and I do believe that their nostrils are on the end on their beaks.
My Kiwi bird looks a bit crazy, which I think should remind him of us because it kinda reflects our family :-)
It’s always nice to arrive at family dinners with stuff to share, so I’ve crocheted a bead necklace for my sister, we have free-range eggs from my friend and we’re going to pick a bag of oranges from the tree.
Last weekend Andrew made his first cupcakes. They look pretty fab so he might choose to throw some together to take for tea as well :-)
Monday, 19 October 2009
The World of Blogs
It's great to be invited to share someones thoughts, ideas and sometimes their creative process and I find it a more chilled out way of networking than Twitter or Facebook
Just today I've seen tutorials, recipies, interviews with people from etsy and ArtFire, giveaways and product features. I sometimes leave comments so that the author knows I visit, it's the same as most things eh? I like to read comments on here, so think everyone else likes it too lol!
From last weeks reading I learnt what Snickerdoodles were and made some and I also won a giveaway on a blog that I follow http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/ where every Wednesday there is a giveaway and I was very fortunate to win a gorgeous fused glass pendant from www.FirstLightGlass.etsy.com where I also love this bowl :-)
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Spring Time means Audrey Time
She's just like this one and she is of course called Audrey. As a totally fair weather rider Audrey gets put away under cover for the Winter, and now with the warmer weather on it's way it means that Audrey gets to go for her service this weekend and it's time for rides to the beach!
Hence my favourite purchase from etsy recently is this pendant from www.LaughingVixenLounge.etsy.com
Friday, 9 October 2009
I think that I'm in love.
She's so cute! She is very different to other things I've made so far, and I love her. In fact so much so I've started on a sister for her and I'm thinking of doing a range of them, and making them fairies and princesses. And maybe some boys, though I'm unsure how to go about making their bums/shorts.
The rest of today's blog all about another fellow Etsy Hookers team mate.
Here is www.thecrochetloft.etsy.com
They remind me of icrecream.
And a very unique scarf that has a pussy cat on it.
Although after the other night when our two woke me up at 3.00am crashing about I shouldn't be finding cats cute lol!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Hand Made what a Doll

Anyway I've ended my creative mudbath and picked up a hook and some yarn and now I'm in the middle of trying to create a different kind of doll than I've made before. I've got it's main body (it's a frock) now I'm trying for the shoulders, neck, head and arms. I've unravelled it 4 times so far :-) I'm hoping that tonight is going to be the break through!
Since I started on etsy and more recently on artfire I've noticed myself leaning towards buying hand made products rather than mass produced.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Rainy Monday
After seeing the pictures from Samoa and Thailand it’d be incredibly selfish to whinge about anything, never mind a bit of rain, so we’ll be thankful to the rain for keeping the garden growing.

My friend is trying to win a local radio competition. This has involved him dressing up like a Super Hero and running around town doing challenges. He’s had to wear his cape for the past 2 weeks. He’s one of those people that really throws himself into things. This is him in his full regalia at the main beach as a lifeguard J If you feel like seeing more he’s on
The etsyhookers team have a challenge on at the moment to be creative in an eco way or a recycle way. I really want to come up with something truly amazing but as is always the way when I try hard to be creative my mind becomes blank! This has also had the side-effect of interrupting my normal creative flow so I’m kind of wallowing in a creative mud bath. My only plan to get it going again is to grab a ball of yarn, a hook and see what happens. Fingers Crossed! In the meantime, here are some fabulous creations from a fellow etsyhooker http://www.TheCrochetQueenn.Etsy.com, Excellent items for that snow today!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Phew! What a week!

Sunday, 27 September 2009
Hoarding Brightly
After a year or so of full-on crocheting I seem to have horded the last meter or so of every yarn I’ve ever used. Those bits that will come in handy for something, sometime. We had a bit of a tidy up yesterday and voila; a plan!
Who knows – whatever it becomes it might be the next BIG thing :-)
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Introducing Sam and three other happy things
Sam is having a special sale on the 24th September, plus there 20% her hats for September!
Sam also has some really fantastic bags which are very reasonably priced!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Rosette & Pizza

Hopefully the kids will like them. And fingers crossed for Andrew's entry the adults prize is very fab!. He used fabric and made a collage. It's judging day tomorrow. I think his is the best one there, but I may be slightly biased lol!
Andrew thinks it looks like tomatoes and capsicum, or maybe a pizza..... I wonder if that would make it a big seller ? ? ?
Maybe uniform for a pizza delivery firm ? ? ? :-)
Saturday, 19 September 2009