"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Sunday, 22 July 2012

A Make Over

Three years ago I went with my good friend Jo to pick up some material to re-upholster her dining room chairs.  This weekend on a visit to Tauranga and we actually did it!  (It has been a three year project plan.....)  
We dismantled the chairs and did the bottoms first with lots of goes at trying to get the corners tidy, lots of little tacks and a good blob of fabric glue. 

We also sanded down the highly varnished table and stained it with a Rimu stain

Very happy with the result :-)
I also heard a new name for WIP's this weekend, UFO (unfinished object) and PHD (projects half done) I like these new names.  I do believe that this one had been a UFO.


  1. Oh well, it may have taken a little while but the results are great!!

    Loving the name PHD - I have a few of those :)

  2. I love PHD too! It took me ages before I figured out what the UFO's my quilting friends kept referring to were :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have a lot of UFO's and PHD's hiding around the place. I also have a lot of PINS - Projects Ideas Not Started. Love the chairs and the tables.

  5. Great to finally get that job done. I am like Nicola, a lot of PINS. Especially after 2 weeks of s sick family.

  6. This looks amazing! I'm sure you could have a go at this olde desk I sit at - :) I have loads of UFO's - more than finished ones! I procrastinate by letting myself see them when I am in the middle of a new project. And well, 'let the chaos begin'... :)

  7. Looks amazing :)

    I bet you both were please to get it all
    finished :)

    II have so many UFO's I could make an episode of Star Trek (He! He!)

    Love the idea of doing opposite sides of the Pacific photo shoots, we really should do a blog post together :)

    Have a lovely day, cheers, T. :)

  8. PINS are a great name! I have a book of those lol :-)

    I haven't rang Jo this week to see if they've kept together...


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