"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Monday, 30 January 2012

WIPs Whipped

I started this mosaic table before Christmas, it's an old dining table which we chopped the legs down.  Only after we'd chopped a couple of the legs did we realise they were Rimu (oops!).  

The mosaic is called 'Not' mainly because when I put the tiles on as complete tiles the men in the house thought it looked like a public loo, so I smashed the tiles so it's 'not' a public loo, and also of course because it's 'not' a pattern :-)

A GrannyGhan - finally completed this granny afghan (which I've popped into the Felt shop).  It's only taken me 7 months!
Man it feels great to have some finishes.


  1. Lovely colors on your afghan, cheers Marie

  2. Nothing quite like completing a project! Afghan looks great :)

  3. All of your crafting is quite beautiful. I have enjoyed looking at your blog.
    I love mosaics. I have been saving old broken dishes for years. One day I plan use them in a mosaic project.
    I have made so many granny squares! I use to be able to do them in the dark. When I put them together I would give them to the homeless.

    1. That's brilliant Gaye :-)
      I made a few granny square blankets last year for the Christchurch earthquake victims.
      I'm sure that your mosaic will look wonderful (and probably more planned) than my one.


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