"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A serene crochet world

With the craziness of moving it feels great to pick up the crochet hook and go off into a more serene and creative world for a little while. This crochet world feels better than 'real life' at the moment and the amount of things I've made attest to that, I thought I might just share photos until I'm ready to come back and write stuff :-)


  1. I love crochet simply for it's relaxing abilites!
    Tehe things on felt? when i gather enough courage! =) and time, But hopefully soon!

  2. Your sq uares came out great. I have been wanting to make a pair of these gloves for a while now. Guess it will have to be a WIP soon.

  3. You've gone crochet crazy! I just realised I forgot to update you about the vegetarian Scotch eggs. I managed to get some for the train journey to Scarborough and they were...edible. That's about as far as I'd go. I didn't even finish them, which is not like me at all. We were also very put off by the fact that we were watching a programme about the human body and it had all these swanky scientific images/animation of conception and the human egg looked EXACTLY like a vegetarian Scotch egg. I don't think I'll be buying them again :(


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