"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Monday, 10 January 2011

The Christmas Presents

Since everyone I was busy making presents for have now received them I can show off some of what I made :-)

About half of the slippers

Crocheted and felted bags

The feedback was good, hopefully they weren't just being polite :-)


  1. wow...you were a busy little bee. I love the slippers. I want to try those at some point, but worry how they will fit and slippage....
    your bags are so cute, love the flower. :)
    your recipients must have been thrilled.


    (Sorry, I stopped ruling the world for now, He! He!)

    I love all those beautiful slippers, what a lucky bunch of people your friends and family are :)

    I love the photo of you sitting in the sun having a bevvy :)

    But please spare a thought for us in the northern hemi who are threatened with snow tonight :(

    Have a lovely day, good to see you on my other blog, cheers, T. :)

  3. I absolutely love the bags - lucky, lucky recipients :)


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