To compliment the lights (which really only look good at night) and so it looks fab for Saturday we have begun Operation Christmas Up The Deck.
Back to our childhoods, we have gathered pine cones and spray painted them silver, and have started to make paper chains with crepe paper. Andrew has the sewing machine running hot whizzing up this and that.
It will either look fantastic or crape I doubt there can be an in-between!
Crochet hook is still going strong - all the pressies are made, hurray! I tried to make a little summer cardigan (tried being the important word!)I've also tried crocheting flax. I think it's a great idea, I just need to work on it... quite a lot! And after cleaning out my yarn stash I'm trying a cotton beach/market bag, this one of the 3 projects looks the most promising :-)
I think pine cones look so festive when they are sprayed with silver or gold ... or even a bit white for snow! I like adding some little red berries in there for effect...You sound like you have been very busy hookin' and before you know it Christmas will be here and gone and then we can start on next year's Christmas projects LOL