The etsy bloggers carnival is on again, one of the topics is
"Now that 2009 has come to a close, what will you remember most about last year?"
Here are some of the things that will stick with me about 2009:
People I didn't know bought my creations
People I don't know are supportive of my creations
I have sold my creations at the local market
I've learnt how to blog
I've learnt how to Twitter
I learnt how to have a Facebook fanpage
I learnt how to open and operate 3 online shops
I have semi learnt how to market my creations
Google Analytics is an amazing tool that scares me
There are people out there in the world that love to create and are friendly even if you don;t meet them face to face
I have learnt all sorts of new and amazing crochet tricks and techniques
I have learnt that I love to buy handmade
All in all a pretty good year crafty wise. I think 2010 is going to be even bigger!
This is where we went on New Years eve day - gobsmackingly beautiful, all about the past and the present and the future
Bridal Veil Falls - Raglan New Zealand