Which is funny because I always wanted to be a writer. I actually have the beginnings of a couple of books written, and some chapters too. Then Helen Fielding wrote Bridget Jones and I swear she'd been secretly hacking into my pre-internet connected computer and had read my ramblings.
Anyway, here we are.
We are Andrew and Gill it's Gill writing now. We rent an old farm cottage which we share with two cats, Ginger and Harry. The cottage is on an avocado orchard just outside of Tauranga, New Zealand.
At our place it's just turning into spring and the daffodils down the road are nodding their heads in the breeze and luckily for us since we've run out of fire wood, it's starting to get warm. Though as you can see from the pic of the scarf that I took on Sunday, the trees are still quite bare.
Thank you Mr Wordsworth :-) A bit of culture is always nice"I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze"
I guess I should also tell you that I have a shop on etsy http://www.JacBerKitsch.etsy.com where I'm a member of the Etsy Hookers team, and have just recently decided to give artfire a go as well http://JacBerKitsch.Artfire.com please come along and check out my creations. Andrew is busy sewing away with his pre-loved material and soon JacBerStitch will be ready to go! He has really taken to the sewing machine, which is great since the loom was a bit of a bomb.
We will use this blog to chat about our crafts, things going on with us, our inspirations and things that ring our bell. And you might find that the weather pops in every so often, as I've heard that some international visitors comment that people who live in New Zealand quite like to talk about the weather. Well, I suppose Crowded House, did have hits with 'Weather with You' and 'Four Seasons in One Day' so maybe they have a point :-)
And if you're still reading I am honoured, thankyou. Please come back regularly and check us out.
Best wishes for your new blog!