"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all" Douglas Adams

Friday, 18 May 2012

Fab Find!

Pukekohe Salvation Army Shop - only five buckaroos for this fabulous retro bible of stuff to do with yarn!

I like this page in particular because the explanation of how to work it says (and I quote): "can be worked neatly over a large tongue depressor or ruler"  Like we all have tongue depressors at our disposal! 

I love this book in a way that words can't describe :-D

Saturday, 5 May 2012


My pre-ordered Vogue Knitting Crochet 2012 Special Collectors Issue arrived in the post this morning.  Tres excitement!

First was "I'm going to make these fabulous socks!"

Followed a few more pages in by an:
 "OMG what an amazing granny square dress! I have to have it!"

Bet you can't guess what I'm doing for the rest of the weekend?

If you guessed drooling over the magazine and not doing any actual crocheting, you're probably going to be pretty close :-)

Friday, 4 May 2012

Container Looks Lovely

I talked late last year about a massive yarn bomb taking place in Christchurch:

"To protect us from more rock fall, massive shipping containers are now lining the Sumner and Redcliffs strreets. It is necessary however not a beautiful sight, but we can change it!

Container Love is about prettying up these metal giant boxes.
The idea is to turn the unpleasant look of the containers into a positive feature for people to enjoy and comment on.
The present project is a GIANT CONTAINER COSY made entirely out of knitted or crocheted squares"

Today it was finished

I see a couple of my squares :-) 

If you're in the Christchurch/Sumner area I'd suggest it might be quite a cool thing to go and have a look at