Here are some suggestions of things to do in the dark that I picked up from work:
- Invite your friends over for a candlelit dinner.
- Get those board games out and have some fun seeing how easily you can swap your scrabble counters in the dark!
- Go for a walk. Lie down. Look up. In all of that which you'll then see, we only have the thing you're lying on to call home. Cherish it.
- Do something "crafty" by candlelight: paint, mould, stick, knit, quilt, or paint.
- Got kids? Get out the camping gear! Set up a tent and tell fantastical stories of a time when the earth had no artificial lights and strange things went more than just BUMP! in the dark… ....or plan a few harmless April Fool's Day pranks in advance.
- Play a real game of hide & seek. Now there's a challenge - doing it in the dark!
- Take a nap - it's been a hard day and no-one will notice.
- Hey - since your lights are off, it would seem like the perfect time to change any old bulbs for a few new energy saving ones? Yes?
- Eat all the ice-cream that's sitting in your freezer? If you've turned your appliances off as well as your lights, then it's going to melt anyway! (How good is that for an excuse?!)
- Check out your local Earth Hour site at and be inspired