My sister is in her 3rd year of studying
Ayurveda which is a type of medicine which originates in India. I have terrible allergies and so she has been helping be with my sneezing, and because she's still a student she doesn't charge. Which is not so good for her, and great for me :-)
As a thank you I've made her these amazing granny square slippers. Amazing because I can't decide if they are incredibly ugly, kitsch or cool!

Also I've dug out a hairpin crochet loom that I bent out of a piece of metal a few months ago when I discovered hairpin lace and am going to make myself a shawl. I hardly make things for myself, so this is a special treat :-)

Other things on my mind.... I need to do a blog carnival to keep in the Etsy Bloggers Team (which totally rocks!) and so I need to put myself in a summer holiday mood, and I'm finding it a little tough since it'e rained every weekend and we've had the fire blazing - fingers crossed for this weekend :-)